Springs Rescue Mission Logo CLI’s involvement with the Springs Rescue Mission (SRM) continues to grow. CLI serves the needs of the SRM clients by offering a weekly Bible Study on Friday mornings. CLI President Michael F. Sabo and his wife, Darlene, co-lead this study, ranging from books of the Bible to topics on Hope. We hand out outlines of the Bible studies, including the study’s verses. Those in attendance read these verses and often share their observations and questions. Occasionally, we have the privilege of baptizing some who attend our study.

Darlene also mentors women who are in an SRM substance recovery program. Furthermore, CLI offers a weekly worship service every Tuesday evening. Kevin, a CLI Board Member, and Mike and Eli, two friends of CLI, lead the worship music. Michael’s role is to develop and teach weekly expository sermons. These sermons include the Gospel and the truths of God’s Word, which are clearly and practically communicated.

Baptisms March 2022