International Ministry

CLI’S international ministry doesn’t include the seven venues of learning. These are reserved for the CLI ministry carried out within the local churches in the U.S.

Our more significant concern for international ministry is the need for Christian Leaders to learn the following:

  1. How to do Bible Study and if needed how to develop Expository Sermons (2 Timothy 3:16-17);
  2. To understand the Sanctification Process and grow in Personal Holiness (1 Peter 1:16);
  3. To develop a Ministry Philosophy that will enable a leader to practically carry out the Great Commission by making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

Please see the following course descriptions of what CLI offers regarding our International ministry for further details.

How to Study the Bible

In this course, each student will learn exegesis’s fundamental principles and strategies (a detailed investigation of a portion of Scripture). An inductive Bible study could be limited to a verse, chapter, theme, character study, or an entire book of the Bible. Regardless, the fundamental principles remain the same. These investigative tools will improve one’s observational skills by identifying the people, objects, and keywords of the studied portion. Students will be given opportunities to sharpen their interpretative abilities by identifying the literature, context and researching essential terms of the passage. But most importantly, each student will learn practical ways to apply God’s Word to their everyday life.

Every student will receive a “Workflow” from Logos Bible Software developed by Faithlife Corporation. This software will enable each participant to do an exegetical study utilizing digital resources. Therefore, every participant in this course must speak/read English, have either a smartphone, computer, or touchscreen tablet.

The Personal Life of the Christian Leader

This is a course in which the primary purpose is to give participants opportunities to become more intimate with the LORD.  If believers evaluate their relationship with Christ based on performance (e.g., doing the spiritual disciplines), they will struggle under the bondage of guilt and shame.  A necessary priority must be given to Loving YAHWEH about all facets of life and ministry.  The teacher hopes that each Christian will be freed up to minister in a more holistic fashion and, more importantly, that each Christian comes to experience Christ more intimately. 

A healthy grappling with the Great Commandment and the command to be Holy can provide insight and freedom to divine intimacy and ministry.  Loving GOD must be seen as the primary and necessary foundation to both the Second Great Commandment and the Great Commission.  Followers of Christ must be liberated from a false emphasis on making disciples at the expense of loving GOD, which often leads to confusion and burnout.  This course emphasizes loving GOD with ALL of your being, which supernaturally leads to ministry out of loving gratitude. 

Principles of Discipleship

This course is intended to help each participant develop a philosophy of interpersonal ministry, harmonious with the church’s mission to make disciples of all nations. Each Christian will learn how to better understand an individual as a whole person so that the Scriptures may be seen as relevant to all domains of life. Furthermore, every participant will have the opportunity to discover practical ways of facilitating internal change for themselves and others.

This course aims to enable the student to develop an intentional, whole life, developmental approach to the Great Commission. Students will develop a principle-based strategy of ministry. In Principles of Discipleship, every participant will be allowed to integrate their ministry training and personal experiences into a process that is not mechanical or culturally bound but relevant to those who are being trained. The purpose of the Great Commission is to make disciples and encourage these disciples to grow in the Two Great Commandments. Therefore being a follower of Christ requires more than just knowing Biblical truth. Christians need to understand and practice a whole life, Biblical-centered approach to ministry if those to whom they minister are to love God deeply.

Other Opportunities

If you have any questions or need more information on other International Opportunities, including ministry opportunities in other countries, please contact us below.